21 rue de Dinan 22750 SAINT JACUT DE LA MER
âą TĂ©l. 06 62 72 05 10 ou 06 61 06 59 69
âą Mail : olivier@pepites-immo.com
⹠Directeur de la publication et de la rédaction : Olivier Quéric
⹠Numéro de SIRET : 83516149800018
⹠N° de TVA Intracommunautaire : FR17835161498
⹠Activité (Code NAF ou APE) : Agences immobiliÚres (6831Z)
âą Forme juridique : SARL unipersonnelle
âą Capital social : 1000âŹ
RC professionnelle n° 6944930704 souscrite auprÚs d'AXA France IARD dont l'activité professionnelle garantie est : Transactions sur immeubles et fonds de commerce. Gestion immobiliÚre. Adhésion n° RD0002792P pour un plafond de garanties à hauteur 1 000 000 ⏠et Garantie financiÚre sans franchise à hauteur de 110 000 ⏠par sinistre et par période d'assurance.
12 bd Villebois Mareuil 35400 Saint-Maloâš
Phone 06 64 80 48 88âš
E-mail : contact@macharo.comâš
Web : www.macharo.com
22 bis Grande Rue, 22750 Saint-Jacut-de-la-Merâš
TĂ©l. 02 36 56 90 40âš
Web : www.consultlab.net
The site has for object to supply an information concerning all the activities of Les PĂ©pites de St Jacut. The site of Les PĂ©pites de St Jacut tries hard to supply on the site of information so precise as possible. However, he cannot be held responsible for omissions, for inaccuracies and for deficiencies in the update, that they are of its fact or because of the third partners who supply him this information. All the indicated information is given for information purposes, and may evolve. Besides, the information appearing on the site is not exhaustive. They are given subject to modifications having been brought since their on-line publishing.
Les PĂ©pites de St Jacut are owners of intellectual property rights on all the accessible elements on the site, in particular the texts, the images, the graphics, the logo, the icons, the sounds, the software. Any reproduction, representation, modification, publication, adaptation of all or part of the elements of the site, whatever is the way or the used process, is forbidden, except prior written authorization of St Jacut's nuggets. Any unauthorized exploitation of the site or of any of the elements which it contains will be considered as essential of a imitation and pursued according to provisions of the articles L.335-2 and following ones of the Code of Intellectual property.
The personal data are protected in particular by the law N 78-87 of January 6th, 1978, the law N 2004-801 of August 6th, 2004, the article L. 226-13 of the Penal code and the European directive of October 24th, 1995, can beings collected. In any case Les PĂ©pites de St Jacut collect personal information relative to the user only for the need for certain services proposed by the site. The user supplies this information with full knowledge of the facts. The user supplies this information with full knowledge of the facts. According to provisions of the articles 38 and following ones of the law 78-17 of January 6th, 1978 relative to the computing, to the files and to the liberties, every user has a right of access, rectification and opposition to the personal data concerning it, by making his request written and signed, accompanied with a copy of the title of identity with signature of the holder of the part, by specifying the address to which the answer must be sent. No personal information is published without knowing the user, exchanged, transferred, given up or sold on an any support to third parties.
The site of Les PĂ©pites de St Jacut can be brought to propose you hypertext links towards other sites. However, Les PĂ©pites de St Jacut have no possibility of verifying the contents of sites so visited, and will accept as a consequence no responsibility of this fact.